Meet the team behind
The Ponytail Princess

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Introducing: Author
Honey Sadoti

A Brookhaven, GA resident, Honey Sadoti and husband Steve are parents of 3 adult children and 2 very special grandchildren. 

A successful business woman in the real estate industry, Honey spent over 20 years leading and consulting teams of professionals. With a passion for helping others grow their businesses, she has been recognized as an award-winning leader within her company and her community. 

The opportunity to create a path for young children to discover some simple principles of leading a meaningful life through a “creed” of important words was inspired by her grandchildren and presents itself in a series of books
The Ponytail Princess – Series TM. A storyteller at heart, Honey shares the values of being kind, honest, polite, grateful, thoughtful, helpful and loving in these books.
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Introducing: Illustrator
Alex McCain

Hailing from Birmingham, AL this loving mother and award winning teacher was our
daughter’s college roommate. The first time I spotted a piece of her art I knew she was special!

As the series of books began to come together, Alex was who I thought of to illustrate the stories. In the first book, she brings to life the characters and the feelings expressed by them through her art.